Medical Internship Crisis Almost all the info you need can be found there. In short, there’s a crisis regarding medical internships for medicine graduates. Where graduates require a year of interning to fully qualify as doctors and thus get jobs, there is currently a recurring shortage of available internships each year leaving graduates behind. Australia currently has a shortage …

The Designer Condition

That is, in relation to the human condition. Us. It is by and large an effect of the human condition that we create our own problems as much as we solve them. Need to get places? Make the motorcar. Need the motorcar to get places? Make roads. Need the roads to get places? Destroy forests …

Check Up on Giving Up

It’s been months since I had a sip of coffee. I’ve been avoiding it and taking it out of my diet completely. I’ve been careful to not consume coffee in any form including cakes and other drinks. It hasn’t been easy, but at east I know it’s doable. It becomes especially hard when my friends …

Get down to a Farmers Market

I was always skeptical about these new age meetings of produce growers. However, after giving up on supermarkets, the Farmers Markets have been invaluable in securing great tasting, locally grown produce from week to week. Most of them only run once a month in any given suburb so it was a bit of a hassle to travel …

The Fair Trade Movement

Over the past years, the world has become globalized in a way where we as consumers can get the products we want, whenever we want it, and where we want it. Products come from anywhere and everywhere. Just look at the average person’s spice rack; pepper picked from Indonesia can be right beside salt from …

Northern Europe leads the way for working conditions

  Northern Europe leads the world in laying out a social safety net for children and poorer parents, but the U.S. snags a top-five finish in the key “Working Mothers” category Copenhagen/Wikipedia With the lowest child-poverty rate among developed nations, Denmark was named the best country for work-life balance in a 2011 report from the OECD.  …

10 approaches to tackling over-consumption

‘More’ is the simple answer that is drilled into us subliminally and overtly in Western and, increasingly, most less-industrialised countries. If everyone in the world lived like the average European, we’d already need three planets to live; if it were an average American we’d need five planets. Consuming has become a culture – what with …